Wednesday, September 9, 2009

U.S. Attorney Drops the Ball 27 Times

The Rove Republican Racket's esteemed member, U.S. Attorney Jim Greenlee of Northern Mississippi, has dropped the ball twenty-seven times. Greenlee failed to provide defense counsel in a high-profile criminal case with cell phone records and other vital information that had been requested 27 separate times!

Greenlee's actions are as bad as his New Jersey colleague, U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra, who is under scrutiny for opening his big mouth to the media.

Greenlee, who successfully politically prosecuted several top Democrats in Mississippi for the Rove-Bush-Cheney Administration, suffered this ugly legal black eye last week.

According to the Clarksdale Press Register:

U.S. District Court Judge Neil Biggers Jr. issued a stern warning that prosecutors had until Friday to produce cell phone records and other information which had previously been requested by...defense counsel. Biggers also asked the government to explain the reasons behind their delays. On Friday, prosecutors filed their response. According to the response filed by U.S Attorney Jim Greenlee and assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Roberts, prosecutors and [defense] attorneys had informally agreed upon an August 31 deadline for producing the information. “The government mistakenly did not seek an order from the Court formalizing the August 31st deadline agreement with counsel opposite,” reads a section of the prosecutors response. “The government apologizes for any inconvenience to the Court and respectfully requests that the Court impose no sanction upon the case due to the government’s failure to request an extension of discovery deadline and states that it will keep the Court informed of any problems related to timely discovery in the future.” Defense attorney’s had issued 27 separate requests for detailed information related to the extensive undercover FBI investigation....

Greenlee made a big mistake, 27 times.

If defense counsel had done so once, Greenlee would have sought sanctions. Greenlee apologizes blaming a procedural failure while protecting his apparently sloppy or intentionally contemptuous criminal division.

Like Marra, Greenlee and staff should be under the scrutiny of the Office of Professional Responsibility of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Read the full article here.