Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom Dawson, the dishonest former federal prosecutor from Mississippi who obtained a secret six-month (book writing?) contract from his former boss days after retiring in January of 2009, has gone stupid.
From prosecuting prominent Democrats, to having book writing discussions with a right-wing blogger while STILL SERVING as a federal prosecutor, to hiding his secret contract during live on-the-air radio interviews, Dawson is not the brightest fellow.
But now he's a founding member of the Oxford, Mississippi chapter of the Tea Party, according to a detailed posting on the blog North Mississippi Commentor. Even the Main Justice blog picked up the story.
We always knew that Dawson was a member of the Rove Republican Racket and that innocent Democrats were targeted, prosecuted and tossed in jail. But now Dawson has exhibited his true political underwear: he's a right-wing kook.
With a pile of boxes of unsold books in storage, Dawson's book about the prosecution of two Democrats, which we call "Flop of Tort," has sold miserably.
Maybe Dawson can sell them at bargain prices to his fellow right-wingers of the Tea Party brigades or better yet, dump them in the harbor like tea from the East Indies.